On Wednesday morning, the kids woke up to find a trail of white glitter and what appeared to be tiny horse hoof marks trailed across our fireplace and window sill. The next day there was a "Fairy Mail" waiting for the kids when they got home from school. In the letter Fleur our fairy apologised for the mess she had made :0), she went on to explain that she was having so much fun playing with her unicorn "Gem" all night that she didn't realise it was morning until she heard the kids running down the stairs. She had to dash as fairies are very shy and didn't have time to clean up her Unicorns poop!!! How messy is our little Fairy :0),

To do this I designed, printed and cut out a stencil of some horse shoes. Then I placed it on the fireplace and sieved some icing sugar over it, lifted the stencil very carefully to reveal the tiny horse hooves. I sprinkles some white glitter, along with some smarties and multi-coloured sprinkles. I wanted to use white chocolate chips and multicoloured star sprinkles but my local shopping centre was sold out :0(, But this worked just fine!
I've attached a copy of the stencil I made in-case you fancy doing this for your kids!
Just right click, Save, Print & Cut out
Sparkle Bright!
The Fairies x
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