So excited for HaLlOwEen yet autumn seems to have disappeared here since last Thursday and Summer has returned. I'm absolutely not complaining its just extremely odd to be searching for and collecting conkers Wearing flip flops and summer clothes in 26c heat! Only in Ireland right....
As promised here are two more adorable and fun ways to decorate your 'Fairy Door' for HaLloWeEn. Fairy's are quite resourceful folk, making essential items like cups and bowls out of acorn tops, seashells and the likes. We figured to really impress our fairy we'd be fairy thrifty with fashioning the Halloween decorations out of conkers and what ever we could find hanging about the house.
Here's how we got on, fairly fantastic I think you'll agree!
Here are the conkers we collected on our walk through our local park,
We used these to make fairy sized pumpkins, so adorable!
Carefully we shelled our conkers and found one big and one teenie conker inside.
They were too shiny to paint so we lightly sanded them with some sand paper to remove the shiny surface so that the paint would stick. Then we painted both conkers with orange paint it took two coats to really make them completely orange.
Once they were completely dry we drew the Jack O' Lantern faces onto them using a black sharpie marker.
So cute right! For the stalk on top we were going to use the stalk off a tomato but I had none so we improvised and cut a stalk off a bunch of grapes we were eating and glued it on top. It worked perfectly! We colored the spiky green conker shell black using a black sharpie marker and placed our Fairy sized pumpkins around it! Very SpOoKy looking indeed
We had munched our way through a bunch of grapes and all that was left was the stalk/branch part, which was perfect for making a HaLloWeEn Fairy Door mobile!
For this we used two pea sized pieces of self adhesive white putty to stick the stalk above the door, a piece on each end. Then I drew three tiny bat shapes on just regular paper and carefully cut them out. I also drew a tiny ghost shape and cut it out also. The kids colored the bat shapes in black marker (don't forget to do both sides) and they drew a face on the little ghost. Using a pin I pierced a hole through the top of each shape, threaded through a little thread and hung them off the Stalk. My gosh it looks so amazing!!! I think Fleur our Fairy is going to be very impressed with our decorating skills ;),
While we were busy making the mobile the dog chewed our blackened conker shell! In case you're wondering where it is in the picture below LOL puppies!
It's looking pretty spooky outside our Fairy Door now, I love making things with the kids for decorating our fairy door its always so much fun. I'm sure Fleur has a few of her own decorations to add to our amazing halloween display wink wink ;),
Hope you all have a go at making and doing your own Halloween fairy door decorations and have so much fun making magical memories together....
Have a magical day,
Sparkle Bright,
The Fairies